Help us celebrate Chickfly's 3rd birthday and reach our goal of 600 trees!

Founder, Anna Birkás tells stories about her 25 year career in ecological restoration, something she brings to Chickfly in her efforts to create a sustainable textile product.

Merced River runs through Yosemite Valley; "this is where I belong, in the flowing waters!"

When you plant trees in salmon-bearing Pacific Northwest streams, you sequester carbon, hold the soil together, and improve salmon habitat. Through reforestation you are providing shade and food, restoring spawning gravel, and preventing water pollution! Salmon are the food source for marine mammals like the threatened Orca whales.

Did you know that salmon live both in rivers and out in the ocean, migrating great distances back home to spawn?

At Chickfly we've started tracking our impacts and offsets to measure our carbon footprint as well as our efforts to prevent water pollution. We don't want to be part of the toxic textile industry. For our 3rd birthday we're asking for your help! 

By buying a pair of pants today, you'll get 15% off with your tree planting, or if you want to make a bigger impact and help us reach our goal of 600 trees, we'll still give you 6% off and plant TEN TREES FOR YOU! You'll be supporting the food chain for salmon and Orca. Learn more about the One Tree Planted Orca program here.

Join us in

Planting Trees!

15% off and One Tree Planted,


6% off and Ten Trees Planted!


Your Choice!

Click on the link above for the automated discount.


~ From the Founder ~

When I'm not working for Chickfly I'm working for ecological change; it's exciting and I want to tell you about it (NERD ALERT).

Through eco-feminism we promote equality and rock our ecological footprint. Sometimes we do it with actual rock boulders, but usually with bioengineering (Large woody debris, woody biomass - I know, it sounds phallic)

One of the grants I wrote for my watershed work this summer includes planting and protecting 300 trees. This cause is a great eco-investment.

Bioengineering is my area of expertise, and I'm in love! The restoration work all has a lot of BIG, assertive energy — chainsaws, heavy equipment, "deadblow" sledge hammers that are the size of railroad sledges, with crews of people who can swing them (I admit, usually not me).

When I was younger I can recall some old, grouchy equipment operators having a hard time as I told them how to place their rocks and nimbly hopped around their equipment with a hard hat (yes, I use protection). I love the empowered feeling I get playing God and restoring nature - it's a high I cannot explain.


Walking with my crew of scientists on a two-day, sleety winter, wilderness road survey! The location is Iron peak out Spyrock in the Eel River watershed. This is some rugged country!

I am an entrepreneur who believes that we should be able to make money and do good at the same time! With smarts. And backbreaking labor ...hahaha. And in the end, Win!


My partner of 25 years in hydrology and restoration looks at roadside erosion that results in the degradation of the salmon habitat below. We will fix this with wood from forest thinning as we simultaneously address wildfire. Did you know you can wear your Chickflys under your rain pants and still pee with privacy?

Get some eco-juice with your pants,

Shop today!


15% off and One Tree Planted,


6% off and Ten Trees Planted!

automated at checkout


Help us celebrate Chickfly's 3rd birthday and reach our goal of 600 trees by the end of the month!

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I received my 2XL Chickfly pants, and I'm super excited about them! They fit perfectly, are super comfy, and now I wish I had ordered 2 more pairs!


Love the comfort and fit and the fact that I can wear these high or low ... plus there are 4 pockets. I wear these everyday they are my favorite leggings!

