Concerns of Legal Ramifications for Birth Control Use

By Meg McDaniel

It's a question that's been on my mind the last few days, and no, it's not some bizarre paranoia or kink. The thing is, I'm gearing up to visit a state that's fallen under Republican control. You know, one of those places where women's rights seem to be slipping away faster than we can say "fertilized egg equals baby." It's a situation that's got me feeling a mix of fear, anger, and what some call "woke." But hey, maybe it's time more people started feeling the same way. I am worried to fly into a Rebublican state where my birth control could be deemed ilegal over night.

Just last week, the Alabama Supreme Court dropped a bombshell ruling that dragged God and the Bible's Book of Jeremiah into the legal fray. They decided to dub frozen embryos as "extrauterine children" under state law, invoking the state's Wrongful Death of a Minor Act. This move threw a wrench into the works of invitro fertilization (IVF) treatments, causing a handful of clinics to hit pause on their services practically overnight. But it's not just Alabama feeling the shockwaves; this ruling's part of a larger strategy by anti-abortion forces to redefine embryos and fetuses as legal persons, all in a bid to chip away at reproductive rights.

Ever since the landmark Roe v. Wade decision was overturned, it feels like we're hurtling down a slippery slope. Christian nationalists have been on a winning streak in the courts, systematically dismantling the protections we've fought so hard for. And this latest ruling? It's a dangerous precedent that puts the reins of women's bodies, lives, and futures squarely in the hands of the government. But here's the kicker: it's not just about IVF. They're eyeing up birth control, too.

Take the IUD, for example. It's a godsend for me, as it has been the only thing that keeps my excruciating cramps at bay. Without it, I'd be out of commission for days every month. But here's the thing: if a fertilized egg is suddenly considered a "baby" under the law, does that mean my IUD could be seen as a potential threat? It's a chilling thought, especially when you consider that IUDs are the third most popular form of birth control among American women.

So, what's the deal with the copper IUD? Well, it works by unleashing copper ions that basically act like bouncers at a club, keeping sperm from getting too cozy with my eggs. And if, by some miracle, they manage to sneak past security and fertilize an egg, the IUD steps in again, making sure it can't set up shop in my uterus. But in the eyes of the law, does any of that matter? Or are we teetering on the edge of a brave new world where birth control is considered a crime? Does the TSA know I have an IUD?

My dad used to reassure me that the courts would never dare to overturn Roe. And my partner? Well, he's convinced that people would take to the streets before anyone could snatch away our birth control. But lately, I can't help but wonder: where are those protests when we need them most? It feels like we're standing on the precipice of something big, something dangerous. And if we're not careful, we could end up losing even more of our rights—we could continue to lose our freedom to decide what happens to our own bodies.

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  • Wow, this is something I have never thought about, but now most certainly will. I didn’t appreciate just how invasive these body scans are. It is always possible to request a pat-down in place of a full body scan, but these are often unpleasant and can take a long time. But perhaps worth it?

    MJ on

  • First, let me say that I thought the copper seven was discontinued?
    I had one years ago and I had all kinds of issues, and I kept telling the doctor that it had to do with Fron when I got it, and he kept telling me it had nothing to do with the IUD
    But the symptoms kept getting worse, and I finally ended up going to a women’s clinic and they were exasperated that I had been to doctors and everyone had said you know well you can take it out if you want to but that’s not what’s causing your issues, so I kept leaving it—even though I had never been pregnant before I got it—I just felt safer knowing that it was my security.
    But when I went to this women’s clinic, and they told me that I was actually suffering from copper poisoning?
    All of my symptoms were obvious signs of copper poisoning, and we removed it and I was fine!
    All I would say, is be careful women, if you get an IUD, if you do choose the copper seven, which I guess is smaller and better suited for women who have never been pregnant or just are smaller and size perhaps I’m not sure I know they wanted to use it on me because I had never been pregnant
    Anyway, what you’re saying about the slippery slope I agree with you wholeheartedly I just can’t even believe what is going on with women’s rights!
    I at a stage of my life where I don’t have to worry about reproduction – –
    But it shocks me that more people are not up in arms and now with what they’re doing and what you’re saying , well, it’s really crazy how slippery the slope can be!
    Please keep doing what you’re doing!
    Thank you for creating post that will hopefully wake up our younger generation!

    Jill on

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