Pee Ecology and the Benefits to Peeing Outdoors

When you go on healthy, mulched soil in the garden you unlock a landslide of ecological benefits. We want to inspire you to urinate in the gardens of the world. 

Chickfly is about more than freedom and liberty, we are also about ecological sustainability. And that starts with pee because our pants offer a solution and, believe it or not, urine is one of the biggest contaminators of our waters worldwide!

We educate about how to pee responsibly for maximum environmental benifits. Sign up for our free How-to_Pee Manuals or read on to learn more!

A Pee Ecology - Benefits to Copping Squat Outdoors

A Unique Solution

The apparel industry is a notorious polluter. In our pursuit of sustainability, we offer a compelling model that connects sustainable fashion with local ecology and economy. This presents a promising route for a fashion industry based on ethics and Eco-feminism.


We Ran the Numbers

A person can save 3,600 gallons of water per year by going without 5 flushes/day. If we can inspire 1000 women to save three flushes a day, we will save two-million gallons of water per year.

According to the California Energy Commission 19% of California’s energy is used to treat and pump water. So when you turn on the tap, you are also turning on the power. Peeing outside saves energy too. 

Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorus and potassium (typically an N-P-K ratio around 11 – 1 – 3, similar to commercial fertilizers). Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen. Studies show that an adult’s urine contains enough nutrients to fertilize 50-100% of the crops needed to feed one adult (Sundberg, 1995; Drangert, 1997).

Urine is Gold

No, seriously, do you know where plant nutrients come from today? We make nitrogen fertilizer from natural gas that was likely fracked. To turn natural gas into fertilizer, we burn a bunch more fuel and energy (climate change alert).

Adding insult to environmental catastrophe, most of the urine that is flushed down the toilet ends up in rivers, lakes, and oceans where it causes eutrophication or algal blooms. Algae love the extra nutrients and they grow so fast that they use up the available oxygen in the water. Aquatic animals can’t breath and they die, resulting in dead zones. When we pee in the garden we prevent water contamination and save aquatic wildlife.

A luxurious, healthy soil has a thick layer of organic matter. The carbon in leaves and twigs combines with phosphorus and nitrogen (bio-available in human urine)  and creates a rich compost. Stepping outside the home to pee easily fertilizes our gardens with nutrients. To plants, urine is gold. Peeing outside protects life and prevents climate change.

Do it High and Dry

When we pee in mulch, under and around plants, and in a new location each time, we promote environmental sustainability. Avoid peeing in ditches or near streams, lakes, or rivers. Pee on ground that is high and dry unless specifically instructed to do otherwise by the Park Service.

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